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More! 2 Workbook with Cyber Homework and Online Resources 2E


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Druhé vydání oblíbeného kurzu pro základní školy - pracovní sešit

More! je zcela nová a již velice oceněná učebnice angličtiny pro ZŠ uznávaného autora Herberta Puchty, kterou vydal Cambridge University Press.

A code in the Student's Book gives students access to both Cyber Homework and other web resources. With Cyber Homework students can practise reading and listening comprehension as well as grammar and vocabulary. They can receive immediate feedback from their teacher or, in levels 3 and 4, upload their culture projects for other students to vote. Thanks to automated marking, Cyber Homework makes it easy for teachers to monitor their students' homework. It is also a safe communication environment. Visit cambridge.org/elt/more for more information. Additional web resources deliver fun interactive quizzes and module tests for students to check their progress.

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